A Dedicated Grassroots Organization.
The National Women’s Political Caucus is a progressive, pro-choice, multi-partisan, grassroots membership organization dedicated to identifying, recruiting, training and supporting women candidates for elected and appointed office.
In addition to endorsements and financial donations, the Caucus offers campaign training for candidates and campaign managers, as well as technical assistance and advice. State and local chapters provide support to candidates running at state and local levels by helping raise money and providing crucial hands-on volunteers.

“I never wanted to be a politician or elected person myself, so I loved to work for other women who did—and hope that more girls will do that. The problem is the feeling that we’re divided from politics, that our vote doesn’t count or what we do doesn’t count. In fact, everything we do counts.”
Gloria Steinem, NWPC Co-founder
Pictured: Dorothy Pitman Hughes and Gloria Steinem
Meet Our Board of Directors and Staff
NWPC board members and staff come from all over the country, but they have one thing in common—they are experienced in and dedicated to the fight for women’s rights.
IN THE MEDIA: See what we have been up to!

Do you believe in equality? Support Women. Support the Cause
Make a donation to NWPC. Be a change maker.