We Help Women Win
The National Women’s Political Caucus offers endorsements to progressive, pro-choice women who support our bottom-line issues, and often they win their elections.
These candidates and their campaign staffs work hard for these victories. Sometimes these women run for the same office multiple times before winning. We take pride in knowing that we play a part in the greater movement to increase women’s involvement in politics and to help put women in elected and appointed offices nationwide.

From the beginning, the National Women’s Political Caucus has endorsed and supported winning women candidates. Several NWPC co-founders attend a 1971 meeting: (front, from L to R) activists/authors Betty Friedan and Elinor Guggenheimer, Chair of the New York City Human Rights Commission Eleanor Holmes Norton and co-founder of “Ms. Magazine” Gloria Steinem. Norton was later elected to the U.S. Congress in 1990, where she has continued to represent the District of Columbia for more than three decades.
Women Winning
A Few of the Many Recent Successes
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